Historia de un año académico en el extranjero

Un curso muy especial en Estados Unidos

Adrián estudió un año académico en el extranjero y la experiencia no pudo ser más fructífera, sobre todo en todo lo que a deportes se refiere. Estados Unidos fue su país durante el curso escolar 2016-2017, y allí, en el país de las oportunidades ¡No pudo disfrutar más! Él mismo nos lo cuenta:

Curso 2016/2017

estudiante de año academico en el extranjero

When it came to adapting to the language, the first week passed very quickly. Some things I did not understand it well for the accent and I was all the time asking, but the second week I did not need to ask. When I wanted to speak in English I thought in Spanish and I translated it but in the second month I thought in English all the time, even when I wanted to talk to Spanish friends. In sports, I started with football. At first it did not play much but thanks to play soccer in Spain, end up being the kicker of the team, and for other part, in the practices I played towards of receiver because thanks to basketball, I could take the footballs. We did not start very well the season but we ended up going to the play off and we were in second place to play the final in the Dome, one of the best university fields of New York that is in the city of Syracuse. Now we have just started the basketball season and in two weeks we have our first friendly tournament. The classmates treat me great and I am most of the time with people from all over the institute because many of the classes are mixed and sports are mixed as well. Many of them stay to sleep at my house many days because our host father is the president of the AMPA of the institute and knows them very well. We also do some trips with them and sometimes with their families. This is a very good experience and I hope that the people next year will be encouraged to try it.

¡Gracias Adrián por compartir tu experiencia de año académico en el extranjero con nosotros!

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